Prototypes : Campbell Clock
This visualization was featured as a part of the Emerging Technologies Exhibition at SIGGRAPH 2001 (more info about the exhibition here)

This visualization is inspired by the early 1960’s works of American pop artist Andy Warhol. It uses the iconic image of a Campbell soup can, as used in many of Warhol’s works, and created a form of clock or "egg-timer". It shows the passing of time by gradually replacing the image of one kind of soup with another.

The image consists of 55 soup cans of two distinct flavours and colors: asparagus soup (yellow), and tomato soup (red). When the countdown starts, there are only asparagus soup cans, and the dominating color is yellow. As time passes, one by one the asparagus cans are replaced by tomato soup, so that at the final moment when the countdown is over, there are only red soup cans left.

The clock can be set to start and end at any time, for instance to keep track of a lunch break or the time it takes to cook an egg. The placement of the tomato soup cans are based on a pseudo-random algorithm, so that each new can is added at a random place, but since the random seed is always the same, the same pattern of placement is repeated every time the application is run.

The visualization is featured in the paper Informative Art: Information Visualization for Everyday Environments, presented at GRAPHITE 2003, in Melbourne, Australia.

Bus Composition
Weather Composition
Forecast Composition
E-mail Composition
Motion Painting
Stone Garden
Objective/Subjective Time
Campbell Clock
Activity Wallpaper