Prototypes : E-mail Composition
The first example using the Mondrian compositions as inspiration was this visualization, that shows information about e-mail traffic.

The visualization was designed to reflect the e-mail traffic of the memebers of the PLAY studio at the Interactive Institute. Each colored field represents the e-mail traffic for one person in the group. The size of the square growns and shrinks with the aggregate amount of e-mail that person has sent and received during the last few days. The color shows how "hot" a person is, that is how long it has been since she read or sent e-mail. Red indicates that a person is hot, i.e. that she was involved in e-mail activity during the last hour, whereas a yellow field indicates that it has passed some time since the last activity and blue means that the person is "cool" has not checked her e-mail during the last day.

The visualization is featured as one of the examples in the paper Informative Art: Using Amplified Artworks as Information Displays, presented at DARE 2000, in Elsinore, Denmark.

Bus Composition
Weather Composition
Forecast Composition
E-mail Composition
Motion Painting
Stone Garden
Objective/Subjective Time
Campbell Clock
Activity Wallpaper